2 research outputs found

    Creating a Food Menu Application for Mendel University in Brno

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    The presented paper describes the creation of a mobile application module for showing a current menu at Mendel University cafeterias. Nowadays, the students and the university staff have the menu accessible through a static webpage. The presented solution serves as a dynamic presentation of the current menu for all Mendel University in Brno cafeterias. Most cafeteria menu applications use the REST architectures for the server backend. The contribution of the paper is in usage of the Google Firebase Realtime database as a server backend. Unlike in traditional REST architecture, the data e.g. the food rating is instantaneously changed and the users have an up to date information. Part of the presented solution is also a mobile application module for both Android and iOS where university students and staff can see the current cafeterias menus.O

    Využitie lokalizačných služieb pre poskytovanie informácií na platforme iOS

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    This thesis is focused on the development of mobile application modules designed to provide easier access to university-related information for teachers and students. The thesis explores potential approaches and technologies for obtaining the necessary location-based data using beacon devices. Specifically, the thesis describes modules for timetable and university canteen food services. The timetable module accesses personal timetable from UIS, allows for the timetable modifications, and location-based notifications. The food services module uses the Firebase platform to work with the menu. The Firebase platform is also used for the location-based data processing in order to provide information on approximate waiting times. The module further allows to download the menu and rate the menu items. The modules’ location-based data are obtained using Estimote Monitoring. The modules are tested for functionality and user-friendliness. In conclusion of the thesis, further development of the mobile application is proposed